Neighborhood and Site Comparison Data
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section |
Describe area, surrounding lan use & overall trends: |
Management Company
Information - Please
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Management Company: |
Phone Number: |
On Site Contact Person: |
Mgmt Interview: |
Contact Role/Title: |
Length at Property: |
Management Affiliation: |
Change since last inspection:
Email Address: |
Information |
Additional Collateral Description
Information: |
Management Company
Q&A Operations |
In your opinion, how does the property perform compared to similar properties in the area?
In your opinion, what is the average percentage of vacancy in similar properties in the area?
Based on the market survey, what is the current average rents in the area($ per sq ft/unit/bed)?
In your opinion, explain the reason for any variance on vacancy & rents between the market and the property: |
In the past 12 months, to the best of your knowledge, have any code violations been received?
If yes, please describe the violation, the costs associated and any resolution or outstanding issues: |
Is the property undergoing any significant rehab/construction?
If yes, explain the location, size and estimated costs: |
Is the property in compliance with ALL O&M Plan(s)?
(Plans such as, but not limited to, Operations and Maintenance, Moisture Management and Environmental Remediation.) |
If no, please explain which plan(s), the requirments, noncompliance items and estimated costs: |
Any change for violations of a Franchise Agreement or License(s) at the property?
If yes, please explain any change or violation, costs & any resolution or outstanding issues: |
Best of your knowledge, are there any lawsuits pending that may negatively impact the property?
If yes, please explain: |